4 January 2014

Character Profiling/Biography & Actors

Character Profiling/Biography
Lewis Webster (younger & older)- Lewis Webster is the main character in the film. His character is very confused and has so many questions about everything in the world and his questioning takes over his life but also gets worse as he gets older. We first meet him in the opening of the film where he is a 10-12 and through the film he grows up to the age of 50. The 50 year old version is narrating the beginning to set the scene and give an insight into who the character is.
Lewis Webster is very interested in the World but can't stop thinking and questioning everything in it. He can't justify why there are things and this becomes worse as he gets older. The opening is a flashback from his childhood where he asks his first question and when it all began. Through his life he meets problems like bullying because of his un-normal habit which does lead to a happy and successful ending all due to this questioning annoyance/habit.
Age- 10-12 (growing up through the film to see him at the end at the age of around 50)
Nationality- British
Residency- Lives with his parents in a 3 bedroom house with 1 mile of his Grandparents, that shows why they are so close and family is very close by. He lives with his Mum, Dad and brother Jack. They live in a market town in Norfolk.
Gender- Male
Personality- Slightly timid and must always have something to do. This includes physical activities as well as work but also thinking. He enjoys concerning on a topic and can concentrate on single things for long periods of time. Outgoing but enjoys spending some time alone to concentrate on his own thoughts.
Friends & Family- He has a large family that spreads across the world, mostly within the UK but some distant family in Australia. His family is very close and is always happy and always stay in communication. He doesn't have many friends, only 2-4 but they are fairly friendly. The enjoy spending time tougher at school but are distant outside of school. Lewis has the least input with his friends as he feels like an outsider and foreign. This is due to him thinking he's different.
Likes & Dislikes- Likes having something to do and concentrate on, so dislikes being inactive and not having something to do. Boredom is his biggest hatred. Dislikes very large groups of people.
General Appearance- A young person with youthful happiness and appearance. Always smiling.
Where are they in the opening- They are around their Grandparents house. He is staying around as the Grandmother enjoys having family visit/stay. The different locations are both inside and outside the house.
Who are they with in the opening- The only other person we see in the opening is the main characters Grandmother Valerie. This characters profile is below.

Valerie Hope- Valerie Hope is the grandmother to Lewis Webster and very much enjoys spending time with her family and wants to make the most of her time with family. She doesn't like not being listened to and ignored. If people do not follow her influence and rules then she will become annoyed. She is always kind and loving and finds nothing more important than her family both past and present. This character shows the main importance of family and care/appreciation for family.
Age- 72
Nationality- British
Residency- She lives in a 4 bedroom house in the countryside. She lives with her husband John and share 1 room in the house. The other rooms were those of past children and now used as spare rooms when family come around. The house is very normal and located just a mile away from a market town in Norfolk.
Gender- Female
Personality- Approachable, kind and shows authority. The character clearly sticks to rules as in the opening they are strict about the main character going to bed on time. This shows a firm upbringing because 40 years ago its likely that family were more strict.
Friends & Family- Family is very important to her and stays in constant contact with all family by calling them on the phone or sending personal letters. She always wants to be in contact with family and see them as much as possible. The family is very large and she sometimes finds it difficult to see them as often as she wishes. She has some local friends of the same age group who like to meet and talk about their families with each other.
Likes & Dislikes- Likes being with family and enjoys time/going out with family. Especially with a large group. Also socialising and communicating with all friends and family. Dislikes being ignored and told what to do, especially dislikes people not following her orders.
General Appearance- An elderly character with slightly curly hair. Must be grey hair. Shows the age clearly although not to old to be unrealistically a 10-12 year olds grandmother.
Where are they in the opening- She is in her house in the countryside. (see residency for more details).
Who are they with in the opening- She is with her Grandson in the opening because we see her only telling the main character to go to bed and also when he is in bed she is saying goodnight.

Vladimir Propp:
Protagonist- Lewis Webster. Lewis leads the narrative, and is growing up with his difficulties and new annoying habit of questioning everything. His overall quest is to grow up and be successful.
Antagonist- The bully's/school. When growing up Lewis faces difficulties by being bullied and not accepted at school. We see his school life and the problems he faces. There will be various different people from his school who get in the way of the protagonist Lewis.
Heroine- This will be the reward for Lewis making his way through school and progressing with his challenges. His questioning habit means that eventually he becomes successful and his life becomes very good and marries a wife and has a family.
Donor & Mentor- This is Valerie Hope. We meet her in the opening when Lewis starts to question everything. She is the grandmother of Lewis and helps him with his problems and encourages him to keep progressing in school to reach his goal. She gives hope and advice.
Father- These will be mainly the parents of Lewis. Jane and George Webster will be the authoritative figures in Lewis's life and show him the path to his success.
Helper- The helpers are the friends and family of Lewis. The help him through his school life and how to make the most of his life to achieve his goal.

Actors & Why
Lewis Website (younger) is going to be played by Charlie Hope. Charlie Hope is the ideal actor for this role even though he is aged 12 but looks younger. This youthful appearance helps to show the innocent and inexperienced attitude. He is a normal height and fits very well to my first idea of how the character would look and act.

Lewis Webster (older) is narrated by David Andrews and if the whole film is to be made then would be played also by David Andrews but in the opening of the film we only hear the narration over the scenes of the younger Lewis Webster (played by Charlie Hope). David Andrews was chosen for the voice of the older Lewis Webster as he has a clear voice but has the slight similarities in appearance but age differences like how the hair colour has changed overtime from blond to darker, which is not uncommon.

Valerie Hope is playing herself. The actor slightly shaped the character as there was no specific appearance that was planned although the actor should be naturally older and be a grandparent to keep the character as believable and authentic as possible.

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