15 January 2014

Background Music Ideas?

These are the ideas for music I can use for the background of my opening for Questioner:
  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLBu4s3Q68Y- Cover of Beatles Help
  • https://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary- Various Downloadable Royalty Free Music 
I have chosen to use the cover of the Beatles Help by Castles In Air. The lyrics of Help are very relevant to the narrative about "when i was young" "I never needed anybody's help in anyway" "but now those days are gone I'm not so self assure". These lyrics closely relate to the main character and his current feelings and emotion which help to portray this to the audience. 
Also that the song is by The Beatles you immediately recognise it even though its a cover. Its also a popular song from the time period of around 1972 when the main character is seen in the opening.
This is the email that I sent to the Castles In Air band asking to use their song:
I am still waiting for a reply, although feel that if they disagree with the use of the song then they would have replied showing there opinion and ignored the email due to them not being concerned. 

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