11 December 2013

Touch Of Evil Opening Camera Angle Analysis

In the opening of Touch of Evil there is a immediate close up shot of the bomb device. Following this close up, the scene progresses, as the use of the crane shot seems to progress and follow the action in the particular frame of the scene. The camera angels are varied because the camera movements and camera angles are varied to give the sense of suspense within the scene.

The use of a close up shot of a person setting the bomb could connote how something tragic is about to happen and gives an insight into the expectations of the narrative as a whole. After the activation, the use of a tracking shot is evident, as the camera seems to follow the assassin planting the bomb in the car boot, which could be an enigma code, as the audience could wonder why the assassin is planting the bomb and who he intends to assassinate. This means the audience are interacting in the films narrative by questioning what s happening.

Although he is the villain, the audience are encouraged to identify with him in the form of tracking shots, as we are seemingly following him and realise his motives and intentions, for example setting a bomb, and planting it. Shortly after this, a crane shot is used to show how the car is significant in the result of the scene. And the audience start to contradict the outcome and future of the carnage.

Immediately, the scene cuts to an establishing shot of the town, the use of a high angle shot is used to show how other charters are unaware of what is about to happen. By using these shots, we are encouraged to identify with the villain, as we are seemingly observing the plan in action.

The use of long shots and medium shots are used to show how the car is being positioned intentionally in a public place within the town, in order to target the people to which the bomb was intended for.

Interestingly, the use of the main subject matter of the car, seems to be left out of view and is zoomed out. To a certain extent, mystery is created, however the audience seem to acknowledge the fact that the car is going to be significant, and could know the consequences and result of the narrative, the car will explode, killing the targeted people and will create a terrible situation. 

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