10 December 2013

King Kong Opening Analysis

The colour of the outdoors of New York is very dull and grey, this is to show how the city is currently facing the great depresion. The dull and grey skys also show how the city has a lot of industrialisation which is seen in the opening when the workers are putting tougher the new steel building. Also we see the high amounts of traffic which contibute towards pollution.
Props & Costume:
The intro has the zoo and monkeys that are in cages, this is like a future picture of what will happen to King Kong. All characters see mostly wear fairly smart clothing like suits and dreeses but do not match, this is corrolated with the beckground music lyrics that say "I have just one suit, just one, that all I can wear". This old fashioned clothing signifys the time period and how people look smart for work but can only afford one outfit so have a suit that is useful for all occasions.
Setting & Sound:
The oppening sounds to the titles is very loud and tense, which is played by violins. The setting of New York shows a lot of traffic and pollution as well as poverty. The zoo setting tells us what may happen in the fututre. In the theatre the small auidance also enforces the poverty and despiration top make money. The old style musical song in the background links with the theatre theme.
Narrative and Technical Codes:
Anne is seen as an innocent, feable and weak character with little power although we do see how she has spirit and speaks out in the Theatre. She is very gutsy meaning she trys to face her challanges. She is also treated like a child by the other members of the theatre production in how they protect her but also over power and think she is weak with no future ahead.
Manie- Seen as old, he also acts like his life is over and that he has no future ahead.
Set in the daytime although with little lighting to make New York very dull and has a lot of poverty. We also see the children working on the streets to try and earn money like the newspaper seller. This enforces the theme of poverty.
In the theatre we first meet the main character Anna and lean about her personality and character.

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