In the past 2 weeks we have started to learn about camera angles/skills including editing by creating the scene where Lucy meets Mr. Tumnus. This will now be edited in the next comming weeks. Keep checking for an update soon. The scene is explained below including the script and camera angles used:
In this scene Lucy makes her way into the mysterious land of Narnia when she comes upon a lamppost. When she hears a noise and quickly turns around to see a strange looking half man, half goat. They become introduced and Mr. Tumnus soon realises she is a human. This shock is then seen through his facial expressions and body language. In this conversation we are planning on using close-ups and over the shoulder shots. Then Lucy and Mr. Tumnus walk to his house where they have tea together, where Lucy tells Mr. Tumnus about her world while he tells Lucy all about Narnia.
The script and planned camera angles are shown below:
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