4 November 2013

Film Openings Observations

In today's lesson we watched 6 examples of AS media studies film openings coursework. Below are the notes from each screening:

  1. A Day in The Life- This clip used appropriate titles and good sound although didn't use a variety of shots which I found slightly boring. The sound was sometimes fast and difficult to understand overall I thought this was a level 2 (29 marks), the actual mark was 25.
  2. The Promise- This clip i thought used mise en scene well, used different shots and used good editing. The sound was slightly muffled in parts and difficult to hear this wasn't effective because in some points the sound was added again although in others it wasn't this meant it was less realistic and believable. Overall I thought it was level 3 (38 marks), the actual mark was 42.
  3. Amazing Grace- This clip used a variety of of shots and used mise en scene well although the the person who made the clip had tried to manipulate the sound which didn't work properly and did make the clip seem unprofessional. Overall i thought the clip was a high level 3 (46 marks), the actual mark was 39 which surprised me because I thought it had good and clear examples of mise en scene.
  4. Four Walls- This clips used a variety of good shots with excellent editing with appropriate sound and titles. There was a very good over the shoulder shot with a person out of focus that was very effective. I thought this was a level 4 (55 marks), the actual mark was 53.
  5. One Way Out- This clip used good/appropriate tittles for a Western genre and I liked how they used an adult actor who was more believable. The camera angles were good although I thought the setting of inside a house was slightly unbelievable and didn't meet the Western genre. I thought overall it was just a level 3 with 36 marks, the actual mark was 48.
  6. Moving On- This clip used very good shots and the producer spent a lot of time making stop-animation which didn't really work as well. The sound was good and the titles were appropriate. I thought overall this was just a level 4 with 48 marks and i was nearly right because it received 49 marks.
  • I will not use animation because I felt that it wasn't as effective as some other clips without it and it would take a long time to make which means you can waste a lot of precious recording time.
  • I would like to use camera angles like point of view, the view of just a characters legs/feet and the very effective over the shoulder shot with the blurred point of view that was used in clip 4. These effective camera angles helped to make the meaning of the clip apparent to the viewer and helped show feelings and emotions.
  • Ideas i have had so far is you could make the opening titles to some sort of action adventure film because the use of short clips and fast paced action may be effective. I did like the use of an accident or crime in clip 4 which I may think about more.
  • The strength's of the clips I have watched were the use of mise en scene, good camera angles/shots and appropriate titles. These strengths all helped to show characters feelings and help the viewer understand the plot. The meanings of the clips were mostly clear and good examples of this were clips 2, 4, 5 and 6. All shots and titles were appropriate to the genres of the clips which made it easy for the viewer to understand and gain what its about.
  • The weaknesses of the clips I have watched were they sometimes didn't meet the specification of the opening titles and started to get into either too much or not enough detail. For example in clip 3 it was hard to understand what was happening. This can be one thing I must try and avoid in my opening titles. I will try and avoid this by planning my clip well and thinking ahead of what clips, camera shots/angles and mise en scene I will use.
  • I think the 5 most important pieces of 'technical skills' are using a variety of shot distances as appropriate, selecting miss-en-scene including colour, figure, lighting, objects and setting, editing so that meaning is apparent to the viewer, using sound with images and editing appropriately for the task set and using titles appropriately. I think theses are all very important because they help to achieve the purpose of the task and ensures the viewer understands and enjoys what they are watching. By using different shots and editing the viewer will know what is happening and understand the characters emotions and feelings. This contributes to a good overall viewing experience. 
      Shown below is the opening from Quantum Of Solace: 
      In the quantum of solace opening we soon realise that there is a chase between two groups of people that obviously disagree in some way and that they might be fighting for something. The chase is modern because the character that the opening is focussing on is driving an Aston Martin and the enemy's have guns. The scene is on a motorway in a mountainous area, which could be seen as unusual. The main character becomes obvious to the viewer because the clips are always at him and follow him mainly compared to the enemy's chasing and shooting him. At the end of the opening we see that the main character has escaped and then opens the boot of the car to reveal a man. This raises questions in our minds whether he has saved this man or captured him. This is a good opening because it defiantly "wets the appetite" of the viewer and definitely makes us want to watch the rest of the film. This opening is fit for purpose because it has set the scene and gives a teaser into the main theme and ideas in the film but without giving everything away. I would say that I would want to watch more after the opening credits that give even more subtle hints into the meanings and the crutial title of the film.
    Micro analysis of the opening 7 minutes of spider man 3 focussing on the mise en scene and diegetic sound
    Scene 1- New York & Newspapers
    In this scene the setting is on the streets of urban America in New York. The area is very busy and before the picture on the left we see Spider-man swinging through the city and skyscrapers. This tells us it's an action because of the high energy. There is the use of newspapers as props in the next part which show all of the headlines being about the hero, this can tell us that people look up to him. By having the newspaper salesmen it adds to the scene of the busy urban area and the headlines tell us that people admire the main character. In this scene we see know that Peter is the main part in the film because he is always positioned in the middle of the frame telling us he is a main character. The framing is always from the audiences viewpoint and makes it feel like we are part of the film but not the character. The only diegetic sound geared is the city noise, again this adds to the urban area affect and the busyness of the city. The natural daytime lighting gives a normal feel to the action of Spider-Man. There are now shadows which can mean that there is nothing to hide.
    Scene 2- University
    In this scene the setting is a university with casting of several other actors playing students. We learn from the narration of Peter that he is doing very well at university, but we see that he is picked on by other students. Again in this scene, Peter is positioned in the centre of the framing. The only diabetic sound is from the lecturer, who is teaching the students. Other sounds are from the actors including Peter. We also do hear when a student behind Peter blows a spit ball at him. Because he is being bullied it makes us believe that he is an underdog whereas we learn further in the movie and from other previous films that he is actually the hero. All of the students in this scene are wearing a casual costume to make the them look more normal and believable. The lighting is natural that is shinning from the left side (right of the characters). It's quite soft and you can see in the picture on the right that the main characters face is only half light. This may be a sign that we are only seeing half of his life and half of the truth. This is very important because we do learn that he is living two lives and that only half of his face being lit is telling us he is hiding something.

    Scene 3- Green Goblin Hideout
    In this scene the camera moves sideways to show the hideout. There are a lot is masks and equipment which tells us there is a lot to show and the owner of this hideout has dedication to the green goblin. There is a view of a computer which is making a diegetic sound, the beeping from the computer gets quicker and quicker which could tell us there is danger. The beeping getting quicker shows there is a fast pace and that something is going to happen. The lighting is dark which makes the shinny/metallic props stand out, this means that the viewers eye is drawn to them because they are significant and help to understand where it is and the storyline. The setting is dark which could also be a suggestion of the personality of the only character who is shown in this scene. Harry who we piece tougher is the Green Goblin steps out of a machine when a green smoke also escapes. The colour green suggests a kind of alien and oddness about the machine. The colour is associated with aliens which makes us think the machine is odd and unearthly. The whole of the mise en scene in this scene gives an odd and negative feel telling us that there may be something mysterious and negative about to happen later in the movie.

    To conclude mise en scene and diegetic sounds are used in Spider-Man 3 to add more meaning to the overall film. The mise en scene and diegetic sound can give hints and add emphasis to ideas and also help the viewer understand the films aspects. The setting, props, lighting, casting, costume, diegetic sounds and framing can all have different uses to help make points more obvious and help the storyline better and more believable. Overall the use of mise en scene and diegetic sound works well because it enhances the film and makes it more believable and a better experience to the viewer/audience.

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